Friday, September 24, 2010

Who says Tattoos & Piercings = No job? (Alternatives for the tat + pierced)

Sometimes people who already have a job wish to get certain tattoos or piercing and simply restrain themselves form getting anything done or if they happen to have piercings they feel they have to choose either removing them and leaving it to close or debating on keeping one thing or the other. Lots of people are not aware of other alternatives available and additional ideas that can allow them to be who they are. For example, I have talked to people about retainers (see pictures below).

Retainers are commonly used by people who can not wear their body jewelry because of their jobs and they are forced to have their piercings removed, this happen a lot with those who have their nose pierced.

The best kind of retainers that can be used are the ones made of clear acrylic, it goes invisible to the naked eye. A new trend in Tattoos are the Black Light Tattoos for those who wish to have tiny tattoos details on areas like hands, forearms and face.

It make tattoos look cool when you get a Black Light Tattoo along with the tattoo that was already there so at the time you get to show it make they design look complete and more even.

Everything is possible, all you have to do is deal with what you already got, embrace it and flaunt it.

Never regret having a personal style.

(The links to the references for this postings are below)

